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Picture Wall - 43 pics
The Museum of All Things
V-2 and Saturn V: A Tale of Two Rockets
Again: Paper vs. Screen: guess who wins?
Casual Viewing
Don’t Bleed on the Artwork: Notes from the Afterlife
Through the Looking Glass, and What Zheludev et al. (2024) Found There
Financial Times Visual Vocabulary
Data Viz Project - Collection of data visualizations to get inspired and find the right type
The Politics of Star Trek
What a 160-year-old theory about coal predicts about our self-driving future
‘Right to Repair for Your Body’: The Rise of DIY, Pirated Medicine
University funding from fossil fuels slowing switch to green energy
Unmuddling the university (the how and the why)
On (Design) Bullshit
One Robot One Canvas
How to Build a 50,000 Ton Forging Press
The Elements of Bureaucratic Style
Laundering Carbon and the New Scramble for Africa
Guide: How to start a writing habit
What Happens in a Mind That Can’t ‘See’ Mental Images
What My Adult Autism Diagnosis Finally Explained
Give Us Something to Look At
The Next New Thing
The EMRN Rubric
How to Speak
Grading for Growth
The Ungrading Umbrella
How 3M Execs Convinced a Scientist the Forever Chemicals She Found in Human Blood Were Safe
Will A.I. Become the New McKinsey?
Tools for Thinking About Censorship
Next slide please: A brief history of the corporate presentation
The Spoon Theory
Salt, Sugar, Water, Zinc: How Scientists Learned to Treat the 20th Century’s Biggest Killer of Children
On Understanding Power and Technology
Wad-Ja-Get? The Grading Game in American Education
Make it bigger
Computing in Crip Time
The Craft of Writing Effectively
Reflections: why we must STOP grading MSc projects
Imre Lakatos and the philosophy of bad science
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